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Such things usually come many years after the establishment of a company. As regards big corporations, it may take as long as 20 years. As regards tiny companies, such as ours - moreover run by management obsessed with making changes - this is the part of every five-year plan. It has been the 5th change during the 19 years of Konsepti´s existence. We are talking here about the company´s new visual, i.e. the graphic and visual image of the company. In the past, we cooperated with many great authors - Graham Rust (Rust), Tomáš Machek (sdie2), Martina Černá (Imagery), David Březina (ExLovers) and we greatly respect all of them. If you want to make a change, you need courage, which tends to run short with increasing experience. Moreover, internet and social media has been turbulently changing the visual environment of company´s activities and the market options are infinite nowadays. In the end, we chose the team of HMS Design (Heyduk, Musil, Strnad). We were searching for the best ratio of creativity, company culture, complex services, professionalism and responsibility. We also wanted a team which would want to create the best for us also in a 5 year time when they will be much more famous - thanks to having worked for us - but probably not much richer :o) The works started in August 2013. The creation of the visual did not turn out to be so complicated - rather joyful. Photographs, slogans, T-shirts, business cards...all this went relatively smooth. Although finding the form which would be all-embracing and attractive at all costs and the right statement for our incredibly diversified scale of clients was definitely not an easy assignment. What turned out to be the toughest proposition was the new website and corresponding on-line shop. We wanted the best to be had in the market and placed the bar very high. Our aim was to provide the best photos and important and factual information about the products. We wanted to simplify your orientation, choice, and add a good personal advice and corresponding information. We wanted to find a place for emotions as well as god and bad experience. To entertain and educate. And all this comprehensively and fast. And in addition to this, both for Czech Republic and Slovakia.
We are aware we probably won´t manage all we wanted at the very beginning, many things will start running step-by-step; moreover, we feel like we might like to change a thing here and there already now. We would be very happy if you could give us some feedback, recommendation, or help point out any factual errors or nonsense. All in all - we didn´t prepare all this for ourselves!